Sunday, November 15, 2015

Day 93: Children Crossing over to Heaven - Talk with Bernard, Lifi and Veno Part 2

Fidelis found an old recording that was done when a visitor came to the farm with her two very young daughters. In this discussion with Bernard and Sunette as Lifi and Veno they open up points about children and parenting. I will be transcribing the interview and share in parts here. The following is Part 2. To read Part 1, click here. Enjoy!

 Jozien: For me it makes sense when I, when I realised that it’s not maybe ownership but she just wants to experience what the other child is experiencing. And it’s actually still for me, but that’s how I see it, some kind of ‘pure’.

Bernard: Let’s look at it, how we experience it when a child dies.
When a child dies and crosses over into the dimensions, the experience is different. Explain that.

Sunette: Yes, their experience is different from the perspective that their immediacy within their directive principle, Equal and One, is absolute. In other words, there is no 

Bernard: There is an inherent ‘purity’.

Sunette: Yes, there is, in children. But it’s interesting because it’s particular children that have experienced only a short life. Meaning, two or three, four – seven years – even up to eleven. That’s always constantly been recycled in the system within the past. So there’s been a purity that’s existed and that hmm let me maybe start from the beginning point.
There’s been children that’s been recycled within the system that only always lived ages up to 4 to 11. Eleven was the max, but there weren’t many up to eleven. Mainly from birth, even in the womb, till about 7 years of age. And they were always recycled, meaning they always died at very, very young.
That purity was always attempted to be suppressed. That was the attempt of the entire Unified Consciousness Field System design: to suppress purity, natural expression.
It was, a way to balance the equation, balance the polarity because you had the extent where there was no purity, meaning where beings were complete, absolute, total integrated systems. But that natural pure expression still existed. The point of where beings if they were to actually up in age, there would be a chance of them breaking through. Breaking through the systems, breaking through the mind and actually coming through realization with regards to what is really happening within existence. Of course, that would be dangerous from the entire enslavement control system design of the Mind Consciousness System and the Unified Field. So, that part, that purity, that natural expression that does exist was contained within children that died at young ages and just recycled from that perspective. So that’s where the main, pure, natural expression is contained – so that

Bernard: It doesn’t spill into the possibility of an older person to access it.

Sunette: yes.
So then the other beings that would grow of age would be the ones that were processed into long, long, long, long lives over and over and over again – until their very beingness, their very nature was integrated as the system to the point where they couldn’t exist without it. The system needed them as much as they needed the system.

Bernard: So a child normally doesn’t have that, because the parents stand in as a system initially. The child is still picking up language, basic systems of control within society and so on – so the child is not initially part of the system. That is why they will lose their teeth. The whole teething process is letting go of purity and then the permanent teeth come in, because the programs and the blueprints from the system are within the teeth and the enamel, in that which is hardened. 

Sunette: And that’s how it physically manifests. The blueprint, your program.

Bernard: So that’s how that operates in terms of why it is so fascinating.

Sunette: So from that perspective why children that would die very young is different when they cross over, is because of that particular perspective. Their very nature, their being is that expression, is not reliant, it’s not dependent, it’s not defined, it is not integrated, amalgamated with and as the system.

Bernard: So they die like at that stage normally also don’t go through the process in the dimensions. They’re immediately effective. So they are not part of the dimensional process. And from the beginning of process, many children were never there, part of what happened in heaven, they never returned for some time to heaven. They were taken out of the Soul Construct and only became, what’s it now – maybe two and a half years ago? They suddenly emerged to take part.

Sunette: So that’s basically when everyone else was ready.

Bernard: So children, to a degree, were protected from what happened in the system as the system became more manifested. Which is fascinating.
So now, how does one actually deal with a child, in terms of wanting to experience? But quite a complexity, practicality problem.

To be continued...


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